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Stone’s belly button

2017 / Stone. / W13 D7 H3 cm

I tried to represent the 4th dimension as a work of art. This work is based on the "superstring theory". It's like a relationship between a pregnant woman and her child. A child is on the one hand a person, on the other hand an extension of the genes and the body of the woman. I often use a stone as a metaphor for genes. In my home country there is a space agency called "JAXA" that researches asteroids and a probe called "Hayabusa" has been developed for the asteroid called "Itokawa". According to the researchers, the history of the earth or the universe could become clear by looking at a pebble of the asteroid. Stones contain a lot of information like a gene of the earth. So I picked up a stone in my home and drilled a hole through it. You could say that this hole is a wormhole.

Stonesbellybutton Stonesbellybutton Stonesbellybutton